Revealed through the eyes and motions of a single character; the 'dreamer',
Encapsulation sets a journey through a maze of totemic symbols, unfolding multiple psyches inside its labyrinth.
Embodying imagery while layering tangible and sonic-hypnotizing environments, the work roots a deep ancestral gaze
onto the far future. A hybrid of ancient myth and science fiction which exposes striking visuals of ritual,
poetry and apocalypse.
choreography: Maya M. Carroll
dance: Oona Van Aken
live music: Roy Carroll
costume: Federico Polluci
lights: Maya M. Carroll and Asier Solana
premiered at Dock11 Berlin, January 23, 2020
co-produced by: C-Takt, Belgium & Dock11, Berlin
supported by Studio 142, Berlin (Hanna Hegenscheidt), Tanzfabrik Berlin,
De School van Gaasbeek, Gaasbeek