Three people sit in a circle, their instruments with them: electronics, violin, body.
Movements emerge from the music: the musical gestures are reflected in physical gestures.
Like at a campfire, small stories are described with the sound and gestures.
The performers switch back and forth between moods, spinning musical and gestural narratives together.
From these islands of encounter, small moments are captured in image and sound: Photos and music recordings that belong together.
The pictures are DIY puzzles that are made at home according to instructions and can be puzzled together again with the music.
Listening and puzzling, people from the age of four can gain an insight into the world of sounds and gestures of
Biliana Voutchkova, Maya M. Carroll and Roy Carroll and go on the storytelling journey together with them.
Concept, sound, music, movement and imagery:
Biliana Voutchkova, Maya M. Carroll, Roy Carroll
Commissioned by and presented on the platform of
SCHRUMPF! Music & Theater & Tanz in Klein, May 2021